Folk remedies to increase potency in men

If the disappeared libido, decreased potency, and there is no joy from the sexual relationship, the man will attempt to fix the situation. When I do not want to spend money on synthetic pharmaceutical drugs and do not trust Badam, the best option is to use folk remedies to increase potency. Medications with herbs and natural ingredients is quite effective, have a lasting effect.

Folk remedies to enhance libido

What determines sexual desire? The train feels that man who sees a beautiful woman has any feelings for her. And most importantly, it the production of male hormones (androgens, testosterone) are normal. But if testosterone a little, then even the most ardent beauty don't make the man. To enhance the attraction by using several popular methods.



This plant in various forms and combinations helps to regulate hormone production, stimulate the libido and has a positive effect on potency. How to prepare the medicine from stinging nettle?

1 tbsp. spoon of dry nettle leaves pour a glass of boiled water, to cool, do not strain. Take half a Cup 2 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Dried or raw seeds of nettle (1 tablespoon) mixed with half a banana. The mixture needs to eat in the evening, before bedtime.

5 teaspoons of dried herbs of nettles, St. John's wort, mint and red clover poured a liter of boiling water. The broth infused for an hour, filtered. Is taken three times a day, 100 ml 20 minutes before meals.

Salad with fresh nettle after boiling water, seasoned with red pepper and olive oil can be eaten in early spring, when the leaves of the plants still don't bake.

With the help of nettle can improve erectile function – a few times a week you must strip naked and pounding his legs and ass with nettle. This will cause the blood flow to the lower extremities, improves microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Most importantly, don't beat nettles to the genitals, it can cause severe burns.


To increase testosterone in men you can use folk remedies, which include medication on the basis of the calamus root.

Dried peeled roots of sweet flag to chew on instead of gum 2-3 times per day. To chew thoroughly, for at least 20 minutes, not spitting a lot, and swallow it.

For dried roots calamus tincture is prepared in alcohol. 1 tbsp dry raw pour 5 tablespoons of vodka or alcohol. Insist 10 days, is taken during a meal 25 drops.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties calamus husband stabiliziruemost emotional, psychological state, there is the expectation of failure. It helps to increase libido and improve sexual potency.


For the preparation of drugs use the flowers and fruits of plants. 3 tbsp. minced raw pour cold water (500 ml) and leave overnight. The morning the infusion is boiled for 10 minutes and filtered. Should take 1 tbsp. spoon every morning before eating.

Yakorets creeping

This plant can be buy in the drugstore, the dry mixture is brewed in the morning instead of tea. But it is better to use the juice of Jakarta. After 5 days after administration of the drug increase the level of testosterone in the blood men. Moreover, improves spermatogenesis, increases fertility.

Foods that increase testosterone

People can enhance testosterone folk remedies constantly, just eating every day certain foods:

  • Shrimp, mussels, squid, salmon, trout, crab and other seafood are direct stimulants of growth of male hormones. They contains zinc, without which production of testosterone possible.
  • Seeds: pine, pumpkin seed and even hemp seed. Enough to eat a handful of any seeds for libido.
  • Increase libido to promote eating melons, apricots, mangoes, persimmon.
  • Greens: onion, spinach, cilantro and parsley are known to all. These plants contain large amounts of natural androgen-stimulating components.

And another important condition: the effect of folk medicine will be weak if people will not change their way of life, as before, a lot of smoke and little movement.

Remedies for good erection

Persistent erection – the key to quality, long-lasting sexual intercourse. Is a combination of herbs that help to reach the riser and keep an erection the entire period of mating, bringing pleasure to the woman and himself.



This folk remedy used to improve erections, increase sexual desire. As a medicine used aloe Vera juice. 5-6 leaves of aloe should grind in a meat grinder, squeeze the cheesecloth. The juice (150 ml) is poured into a glass container. There also added 2 cups of Cahors and 300 grams of flower honey. All thoroughly mixed, then insist under the lid for three days in the refrigerator.

Should take 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening, before meals. The course of treatment – at least a month.


1 teaspoon of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. Ready infusion of strain, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink instead of tea, still warm the whole glass of the finished beverage.

Honey and walnuts

10 peeled walnuts, 2 lemon crushed in a meat grinder. The finished mixture is poured a glass of honey, to insist during the day and may be consumed. You can take a pill on a tablespoon in the morning, over tea.

Jerusalem artichoke

This artichoke is rich in vitamins and stimulating potency substances. You can just regularly prepare artichoke salad by adding celery, parsnip. Is peeled tubers 2-3 every day.

Infusion of medicinal herbs

To improve erections you can drink a decoction of medicinal herbs. A positive effect on the male body extracts of Dubrovnik, hops, birch buds, St. John's wort, yarrow, series. You can brew dry raw material, taking it in equal shares or to use only one ingredient.

A special diet to improve potency

The only increase in potency in the home folk remedies – invisible. When a person just eats and doesn't even know what a caring wife helps him to improve erection. Healthy recipes:

  1. Scrambled eggs with onions. Finely chopped onion is fried to Golden state in vegetable oil. You can use green onions, onions. Onion salt and poured on top of the eggs. They can knock down or make some scrambled eggs. Most importantly, until cooked dish is brought to low heat.
  2. Men's pottage. Crushed 2 tbsp. of meat (pork, beef), 1 small bone, onion, carrots, and quarter turnips. All the ingredients are placed in an enamel pan and pour cold water (1 liter). After boiling, ukha is cooked 10 minutes on intense heat. Off, not available, costs 30 minutes and cools. Then in a deep plate fits finely chopped 4 leaves of dandelion, 2 leaf nettle. All ready filled with soup and served with a dollop of sour cream.
  3. Salad from daikon. This radish white color is widely used by Housewives in the kitchen, but few know about side effects – strengthening erections in men. Enough to feed every evening my husband with a salad of grated daikon in the vegetable oil to improve sex life of the family.

Attention! Folk medicine for maintaining erection affect blood flow in the pelvic organs. Increases blood flow in the cardiovascular system, the brain. It is therefore important to monitor their condition and to cancel the admission of natural medicines, if they cause heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness.

To make sexual intercourse last longer

Problems with the duration of sexual intercourse mainly have young men. But sometimes, even an experienced man is too fast. To correct this unfortunate mistake, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine.

Oak bark

Before continuing sexual intercourse folk remedies, think about whether You really need it. Making bath infusion of oak bark during the week, you can significantly reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings of the glans penis. It is possible to avoid side effects, in addition to the extension of sexual intercourse to an hour.



Dried stamens of the cornflower (1 teaspoon), pour a glass of boiling water and stand until cool. Directly before sexual intercourse for 20 minutes before coitus, you need to drink liquid. This will help to reduce anxiety, extend the expectation of orgasm without loss of erection.

Leaves of currant and raspberry

Every morning you can brew the tea, adding fresh or dried raspberry leaves, currants. These plants contain feriamine that affects nerve centers in the brain responsible for arousal. Libido my husband is not falling, but the excitation process is inhibited, which helps to maintain the erection and prolong sexual intercourse.

Wheat germ oil

To prolong intercourse, you can also apply this kind of folk remedies, like aromatherapy. Pair wheat oils contain entomorfin. If inhaled, it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and acts on the pituitary gland. It enhances pleasure, and at the same time helps to prolong the time of intercourse.

Do not overdo it, for intimacy, for up to 20 minutes – is enough.

If an urgent need to improve the potency

Not only the pills can help restore normal sexual potency within a short period of time. Proper nutrition and intake of certain decoctions of herbs in the literal sense can work wonders.


In a quarter Cup of carrots you need to dissolve a tablespoon of honey. It is better to use fresh homemade juice. Drink the entire portion three times a day before meals. An intensive treatment is 3 days then you can drink the medicine only in the evenings.


The best and most used ingredient in a variety of tablets to increase potency. Ginseng root can be purchased at the pharmacy to cook at home from it is an alcohol tincture. 1 tablespoon chopped dry raw pour a glass of alcohol. To insist in a dark place for 20 days. Make the first five days 10 drops morning and evening. Then take a break for 5 days and the treatment repeated.


To achieve a sustainable increase potency folk remedies 3 days to eat parsnips. The feathers of Pasternak crushed and added to vegetable salads. The root is cleaned, rubbed and sent as a seasoning for meat dishes. You can also make an infusion: 1 tbsp parsnip seeds pour a glass of boiling water, to insist 40 minutes and drink up.

Green onions

green onions

Finely chopped bunch of green onions, nettle, chopped boiled eggs (4 pieces) should fill with olive oil. Add ginger, red pepper, salt and mix well. Serve immediately on the table. This lettuce has a stimulating effect, does not burden the stomach, helps to accelerate blood circulation. True, the woman will have to put up with the smell of onion from the mouth of a partner.

Syrup red wine

This medicine treats helps, is used when an urgent need to get aroused and achieve an erection.

A handful of dried apricots, raisins, prunes filled V. spoon of sugar, stirred. Then the mixture is added to a glass of red wine. The drink should be placed on low heat to simmer for one hour. 5 minutes until cooked add the spices: cinnamon, cardamom, cloves. Take a glass half an hour before sexual intercourse.

Remember, using folk remedies to increase potency and improve male libido, You take full responsibility for their own health. Ideally, folk medicine should not replace conventional treatment, but to Supplement it. Therefore, before starting to drink teas and infusions, then visit a sexologist or urologist.